Big Trouble In Little China

Have you paid your dues? We're joined this week by comedian, Geoff Tate, to discuss what might be our favorite in this series so far.

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Ghosts of Mars

Big Daddy Mars is here baby! Ghosts of Mars set out to answer the question, how many flashbacks is too many flashbacks?

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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In The Mouth of Madness

God's not supposed to be a hack horror writer, am I right? Brett and Tucker really like this one. Meanwhile, Dylan is hung up on a honky horn. Listen to find out which Apocalypse Tier the third installment of Carpenter's Apocalypse Trilogy lands in.

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Memoirs of An Invisible Man

Chevy Chase and John Carpenter together at last. This movie is great if you want to see a character struggle with problems that have very simple solutions. Brett, Dylan, and Tucker are talking Memoirs of an Invisible Man this week and are not very happy about it.

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Escape From New York

We don't give a fuck about your war. Or your podcast. This week we're talking Escape From New York. The movie that gave us Snake Plissken. We love it. And we're sure you do, too. So, listen to us talk about how much we love it.

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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The Ward

This week we're talking John Carpenter's last theatrical film, The Ward. Unfortunately, it's not great, but it's actually not as bad as we thought it was going to be. Either way, we came here to kill our personalities and talk the Ward, and we're all out of personalities.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Assault on Precinct 13

This movie is a busload of hate. And it rips. It was interesting to find out that there is no Precinct 13 in this movie though. This is probably the best one we've seen so far in this series.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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They Live

Obey. Consume. Stay asleep. Life's a bitch and she's back in heat. This week we're talking They Live. The main star of this movie is Rowdy Roddy Piper's butt, one-liners and the longest fist fight ever put to film. Also, are the aliens in this flick actually that bad? We're not so sure.

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Prince of Darkness

We're starting things off with Prince of Darkness! The second entry in our lord and savior's Apocalypse Trilogy, and not really held in the highest regard, but is actually totally awesome. We're not out of our minds. It's not a joke. It's not caca.

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass

Before they actually start watching through all of Carpenter's movies, Brett, Dylan, and Tucker sit down to talk about everything that's coming up down the road. They talk about which movies they're excited to revisit or watch for the first time, and what they might be dreading a little bit. Then they roll the dice and see which movie is going to be kicking off their journey into madness.

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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