Summer Flopbusters: Tomorrowland

Tomorrowland is Dylan's pick for best Summer Flopbuster. It's got everything: evil robots, good robots, Hugh Laurie, Eiffel Tower rockets, tomorrows, lands. All sorts of stuff. But does all that add up to being a forgotten blockbuster? Listen and find out!

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Summer Flopbusters: Land of the Lost

This week we're going through Tucker's pick for best Summer Flopbuster, Land of the Lost. This flick bombed HARD when it came out in 2009, but does it deserve a little bit more credit than it got at the time? Or should it be LOST forever? See what I did there?

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Summer Flopbusters: The Shadow

Does anyone know the best summer flopbuster? The Shadow knows. And Brett knows because this was his nominee for best failed summer blockbuster. How's it going to stack up against Dylan and Tucker's picks in the coming weeks? Keep listening to find out!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Summer Flopbusters: The Nominees Are...

For this series we're going back through some of the biggest summer flopbusters of all time to see which ones are actually... good? On today's episode, Brett, Tucker, and Dylan are going through which movies they are nominating for Flopbuster dominance.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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We Don't Need Roads- And The Winner Is...

Where we're going, we don't need any... stuff, or something. This week we're declaring a winner for the We Don't Need Roads time travel movies that aren't Back to the Future, The Terminator, or Bill and Ted. Will it be Predestination, Time Crimes, or Time Bandits? If you've been following along, I bet you can guess!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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We Don't Need Roads- Predestination

This week Brett, Dylan, and Tucker are stuck in an endless loop of suisexual relations. That's what Predestination is about. So, yeah. Enjoy!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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We Don't Need Roads- Time Bandits

This week we're talking about Dylan's time movie, Time Bandits. With a big name like Terry Gilliam attached to it, this has to be the best of the bunch, right?

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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We Don't Need Roads- Timecrimes

This week, we're talking about Tucker's time travel pick, Timecrimes. This is the first episode of this series. For sure. Completely the right order. No doubt about it.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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We Don't Need Roads- The Nominees Are...

Roads? Where we're going... And you know the rest. If you hadn't guessed, for this series we're doing time travel movies. On this episode, Brett, Dylan, and Tucker are nominating which time traveling movie they want to send into fight for cinematic dominance.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Really Tied The Room Together: And The Winner Is...

It's time to see which Coen movie reigns supreme in a literal fight to the death! Will it be Inside Llewyn Davis, Raising Arizona or Fargo? Listen and find out!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

Also, if you don't mind leaving us a review on your podcast app, that would be sweet.

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