Really Tied The Room Together: Raising Arizona

This week on the show is Brett's pick for best Coen Brothers movie, Raising Arizona. Does this slapstick romp tie the room together better than Fargo and Inside Llewyn Davis? Listen and find out!

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Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Really Tied The Room Together: Fargo

Oh, donchaknow we're heading out to Fargo. This week, we're talking Tucker's pick for the Really Tied The Room Together series to see if Fargo is really the best Coen's flick. Is it going to hold up against Inside Llewelyn Davis and Raising Arizona, or is it going in the wood chipper? Listen and find out!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Really Tied The Room Together: Inside Llewyn Davis

This week we're starting off Really Tied The Room Together with Dylan's Coen Brothers movie pick, Inside Lou N. Davis. It's a pretty heated episode when it comes to arguing about artistic integrity. Also, we didn't turn Tucker's mic on until about 25 minutes into the episode, so the first little bit sounds a little weird because we tried to make his voice heard through the other microphones so we didn't have to re-record the episode or something stupid like that.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Really Tied The Room Together: The Nominees Are...

For this upcoming series Brett, Dylan, and Tucker are each getting randomly assigned a Coen Brothers movie to argue for dominance. In this episode they'll each talk about which movies they'd most like to argue, then roll a dice to see which movie they'll have to defend as the greatest Coen movie.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Crash Into Me: And The Winner Is...

Well, it's time to declare which one of these movies is the worst Best Picture winner. Will it be Titanic with all it's cheesy dialogue? Or Gone with the Wind with all it's racism? Or Driving Miss Daisy with all it's racism? Listen and find out!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Crash Into Me: Gone With The Wind

The third movie of worst best picture winners is Gone With The Wind. It's really racist and sexist, and it's still the highest grossing movie of all time when adjusted for inflation. Nice job, America. Brett, Dylan, and Tucker are going through everything that makes this movie terrible, and paying lip service to the little things that make it bearable to watch.

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Crash Into Me: Driving Miss Daisy

Today on the show, we're talking about Dylan's pick for worst Best Picture winner, Driving Miss Daisy. It's a movie that has a lot to say. Mostly about how if you're a person of color, and you spend your life serving an uptight, rich white woman, eventually she'll admit you're her friend and let you feed her pie right before she croaks. Isn't that beautiful?

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Crash Into Me: Titanic

The first movie we're watching for Crash Into Me is Tucker's pick, Titanic. From the clunky dialogue, to the cardboard characters, Titanic probably didn't deserve to win Best Picture against movies like Good Will Hunting, but is it the worst Best Picture winner? Listen and find out!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Crash Into Me: The Nominees Are...

We're back, baby! After taking some time to really find ourselves and learn how to love ourselves once again, we're finally back with some new episodes, and we promise, we will NEVER make you wait that long to hear the sweet, soothing sounds of our voices ever again. To kick things off, we're doing Crash Into Me, a series of movies that won best picture, but absolutely should not have won best picture. This week, Brett, Dylan, and Tucker will each nominate the movie that they think is the absolute worst best picture winner. What will they pick and why? Listen and find out!

Which movie would you nominate as the worst best picture winner? Follow us at and let us know!

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

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Gas, Grass, or Ass- And The Winner Is...

This week we're declaring a winner of our Gas, Grass, or Ass. Will it be Brett's erotic thriller, Wild Things? Will it be Tucker's car movie, Mad Max: Fury Road? Or will it be Dylan's stoner movie, Cheech and Chong's Next Movie? One of these genres will win, and the other two are riding for free and will be getting kicked out forever. Listen to find out who is staying in the car!

For updates on which movie we're watching next follow us on facebook at

Chew Bubblegum and Kick Ass is part of the EaseDrop Podcast Network

Also, if you don't mind leaving us a review on your podcast app, that would be sweet.

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